How to get initial reputation on Stack Overflow?
Simple question, simple answer:
Post good questions and answers!
Seriously, that's all there is to it. Sure, there are other ways to earn reputation, like suggesting edits, but that's not really the point. This is a Q&A site: our lifeblood is questions and answers. We need people to ask good, on-topic questions, and we need people to post useful answers to those questions.
Because that's so important, we give you reputation for doing so: +10 reputation points for upvotes on a question or an answer.
And trust me, if you post good questions and answers, you will get upvotes. You might get a couple of downvotes along the way—everyone does, it's nothing to get worked up about. The upvotes more than make up for the difference, if you're following our guidelines. That's how everyone here earned their reputation, and you can do exactly the same thing.