Occasionally the suggested edits queue on Stack Overflow gets flooded with edit suggestions by the same user. A few minutes ago there were ~5 suggested edits by the same user who apparently searched for posts with "conect" in the title and corrected them to "connect".
I don't know for sure if they were edit-hunting, but the edited posts were across a wide variety of topics and date ranges.
In one or two of the edits they actually improved formatting and did more than simply correct a typo in the title (which I'm fine with approving), but most of the edits were simply correcting the typo in an otherwise fine question.
So, my question: Should the "edit-hunting" nature of the user's suggestions have any bearing on the acceptance or rejection of the edits?
Personally, I'm a bit torn. The rapid succession of edits, all correcting the same issue on multiple posts, suggests to me that the user was attempting to farm reputation. This is a tactic that I imagine is discouraged by the Stack Overflow community.
On the other hand, most of the edits themselves were valid and - individually - probably deserve being approved. Approving the edits, however, seems to imply that the user's actions are acceptable.
(about 1500 results on SO this evening). Note that correcting it would, in some cases, pervert the question; the question hinges on the misspelling. Granted, such questions could be closed with 'trivial typo', but fixing the misspelling would be a mistake.