For those of you who don't know, a Hail-Mary pass is a maneuver in American Football which is executed late in a losing game, in the desperate hope that a miracle will occur.
On Stack Overflow, this often takes these forms (this is not a comprehensive list):
I have this highly obscure/obsolete product, which I have documentation for the API, but I'm having [specific] problems with it. Does anyone know why, and how can I fix it?
I have this product, which I want to use with this other product, and I read the documentation for both products, but I didn't find the method I'm looking for that frobnosticates the two products together. Is there a way to do it?
I have a well-known product, and I'm trying to do [this] with it, but I can't figure out how [because said company's customer-service sucks, and I think I can get a faster answer here].
Such questions are often accompanied by the phrase "Is it possible?"; their defining characteristic is that they require someone with exactly the knowledge they're looking for, but the likelihood that someone with that exact knowledge wandering in and answering their question is vanishingly small.
Hence the name "Hail-Mary question." It requires the single person in the stadium audience, who actually knows the answer, to be standing in the end-zone at the precise moment that the ball is thrown.
In the past, we would close such questions as "Too Localized," but that close reason no longer exists, and there was some grousing about how we used to close too many questions as Too Localized.
Are these questions on-topic for Stack Overflow? If they are not, under what theory do we "on-hold" them?