It was closed for the reasons I laid out in my comment:
I closed this as "Too Broad", but "Primarily Opinion Based" would also work here. We don't do well in the "This vs. That" format. Our format does well if you have a concrete problem you need solved, not so much if you just want a list of things. I think the Akka documentation and the ZeroMQ documentation would be helpful here. Also, who knows what the intention is? "What different problems do they solve" is very broad; and "Are there clear/concreate use cases where one is preferable to the other" is also too broad and opinion based.
In your responding comment, you link to another example of a Gorilla vs. Shark question (reopened by @Jaydles):
@GeorgeStocker 'We don't do well in the "This vs. That" format.' Don't we?
So what's the difference between the question I closed, and the question Jaydles re-opened?
Views. Votes. Popularity. A Great Answer.
That's all that's different. Both questions run afoul of the same four points:
Nobody needs to know the answer to this question.
Do you own a
gorilla? Do you own a shark? When was the last time you even saw a
gorilla and shark going at it hand to fin? In other words, what is
your skin in this particular game? What specific problem, other than
idle curiosity, would answering this question satisfy or solve for you
… or anyone else?
It’s not nearly specific enough.
Where will the fight be, in what
location? Underwater, or on land? What are the rules of the fight so
we can determine a victor? Will it be to the death, or under some type
of points system? Can they be trained specifically to fight by
trainers, or are they completely on their own? Without any kind of
scope, every answer can make any assumptions they like — and there
will assuredly be hundreds, all different.
It is difficult to learn from these questions.
Let’s say, hypothetically speaking, we had, a
site full of people who have hands-on experience with both gorillas
and sharks. And they were, hypothetically speaking, willing to answer
such a question to the best of their expert knowledge. In the process,
you might learn a few interesting things about both animals, such as
that an adult gorilla’s upper body strength is six times more powerful
than that of an adult human. Or that shark skin is so tough and hard
that before the invention of sandpaper, shark skin was used to polish
wood. But this sort of learning is largely accidental at best, like a
random walk through an encyclopedia. It might be entertaining as a
speculative diversion to compare and contrast these two very different
animals in broad terms. But even under ideal circumstances there
really can be no absolute answer to this question other than “it
depends; both animals are adapted to their particular environment and
have certain strengths and weaknesses.” This is a good answer, maybe
even the correct answer, but it’s just not that useful.
It drives away experts.
What serious, expert animal trainer would give
Gorilla vs. Shark the time of day? This kind of question attracts the
opposite of experts: people who aren’t serious animal trainers, but
are willing to engage in idle speculation and discussiony generalities
— rather than focusing on the real world, specific, honest-to-goodness
questions they face in their day to day work. Any true expert who came
to would be appalled to see a
question like Gorilla vs. Shark appear on the homepage.
Where the Jquery -> Angular question survived is that, even though the answers can vary wildly between each person, both frameworks are so popular that the chief answer and the votes (and views) keep it from being closed, even though by all rights, it should not be open.
In the case of this question, neither framework has name-brand status, and we don't have throngs of newbies coming to the site to look for these types of questions. So, they get less views, less answers, and generally less favorable treatment, even though functionally, they're no different.
This is how things are. For the JQuery/Angular question, I would have voted to close it; but it was already handled by an SE Inc., employee, and their actions tend to be respected, even if it's a little too Greek God-ish for me.
Should they be this way? That's a whole 'nother meta post waiting to happen [again].
To end this somewhat negative post on a positive note, the JQuery -> Angular question has some things going for it that keep it from being closed:
- It has a definitive start state. "I'm new to Angular, I'm coming from a JQuery background."
- It has a definitive goal: "I'm going to work in Angular, and I want to know what should change in how I approach doing X in Angular coming from this specific background which makes certain assumptions about how normal things are done (manipulating the DOM)"
- It asks questions related closely to the goal: Since JQuery and Angular have a different approach to things, these are the three things I'm concerned about, how do they change from one to the other.
It's the difference between:
"Tell me about these two frameworks and which is better"
"Tell me how this framework Y relates to what I already know in these specific areas in framework X, and how I solve a problem in Y that I'd traditionally solve in X.