I have been reviewing questions here for the last 6-8 months fairly consistently, and it used to be that the queues I have access to were always pretty small. Usually, I would see 0-5 items in each of First Posts, Late Answers, Suggested Edits, and Low Quality Posts.
However, in the last week or two, the numbers I have seen have skyrocketed. I regularly get the orange number in the top bar which signifies that more than 5 posts are waiting for Suggested Edits, and I often see >10 in the queues. Additionally, it used to be that when I chose one of the queues and finished what was in it, the review page would show that all of the other queues were now empty as other people had taken care of them. Recently, I have often seen that this was not the case - that the queues always seem to be full.
(As of this writing, there are over 60 questions in the VLQ queue, but I'm guessing that's because people got impatient because of this problem.)
Is it just me, or are there really so many more items in the queues than there used to be? Or did there just used to be a bunch of super-dedicated people keeping the numbers low who have all just quit?