Stephen Ostermiller's answer addresses why this specific flag was declined.
In the general case, where you have read over the guidelines for what qualifies as "Not an answer" and still believe that the handling moderator made a mistake:
Yes, you should raise an "In need of moderator intervention" flag and provide an explanation for why you believe the flag should be accepted, such as:
This is a link-only answer (NAA flag previously declined). Simply pointing the user to the WebUSB API as a whole (which has use-cases nearly as broad as the range of devices you can plug into USB ports), with absolutely no hint as to even what part of the API to use, is not an answer. All actual content is behind the link.
Note: This example flag text is intended as an example of how to explain the thinking behind one's NAA flag, rather than a statement of what should or should not be flagged as NAA.
The reason for providing the explanation is that if the flag was declined and the post was left up, that suggests that the handling moderator didn't understand why it was being flagged that way.