I've been reviewing the late answers queue quite a bit recently, and I've slowly begun to realize that the "Recommend Deletion" action doesn't do what I thought it did. My impression, based on the name and my observation that this action completes the review, was that this would add the answer to the low quality answers queue for further review. However, I started to notice that answers I recommended to be deleted seemingly weren't getting any attention after 2+ weeks. I went back and flagged a couple of them to see what would happen, and within a couple days they were deleted.
The help page also doesn't give any insight as to what this action does, but rather when to use it. I do feel like this page should explain what each action does along with a couple examples of when and when not to use it, then let the user decide how to use it on a case-by-case basis, but that's for another discussion. This caused me to start looking for some answers as to what it actually does. I found this answer which explains pretty clearly what it does, but it still doesn't make much sense to me why this is what it does.
Yes, a sufficient number of delete recommendations (currently 6 on most sites, 4 on Stack Overflow) will cause the post to be deleted immediately, provided it has zero or negative score. (If it has a positive score, it will raise an automatic moderator flag instead.)
Thus, we come to my questions. Since (based on the description above) this action is supposed to allow multiple reviewers to vote (similar to close votes as I understand it), why doesn't this queue allow multiple people to vote on what should happen with the answer? Or at least do something to bring it to the attention of people that actually can delete or vote to delete it?
More importantly, should it be doing something like this (such as adding the answer to the low quality answers queue)? And, as a reviewer, what should I do about these answers? They are, after all, late answers, so if a review doesn't flag them and the OP doesn't flag them, then who will? Should I be flagging them as well as recommending their deletion?