I've been on Stack Overflow for a bit, and getting questions closed is still very painful to me. 'Primarily opinion based' especially rubs me the wrong way, because the most interesting questions often are somewhat subjective and don't have a definite answer. This is not just 'Which framework is best?'. I see this happening with thoughtful questions, that simply don't have a single correct answer, or questions that wonder how to 'broadly tackle a problem'.
An issue with this is that questions that just have a very small hint of subjectivity are picked off by people with close privileges. While I'm 4 paragraphs into an answer, it feels like a moderator might spend a few seconds reading the question and decides it's not worthy; preventing me from even hitting the submit button. It's especially painful if I've invested significant time into what I believe is a thoughtful reply.
All this made me wonder if there's a better way. Treating subjective questions as a legitimate question is probably not going to happen (as I'm sure there have been many discussions about this before), but perhaps we can't be outright expelled from using the site or interacting with each other. I've even pondered in past situations if I could find OP's contact information and email them instead, as I'm genuinely invested at this point.
Perhaps questions can simply be flagged as subjective. This flag might prevent the question from showing up in search results, or even indexed, but it doesn't prevent me from having a potentially great interaction with someone else.
This is not a fully fleshed-out idea, but I would more broadly ask... is there a better way to treat high-quality questions that don't exactly fit the Stack Overflow mold. The message I'm getting right now is: "We don't want you here, and we're censoring you". I'm hoping there might be less aggressive, more welcoming solutions to this?