Would it be possible to implement a feature to sort answers in a descending fashion in addition to the current ascending feature that is offered. Such a feature would allow for more up-to-date answers to be seen first and potentially re-incentivize continued participation by "experts" that currently don't have to answer any new questions due to receiving a steady and bountiful "income" of reputation from old answers.
1 Answer
This could be a nice-to-have feature for some people. Whether or not it's worth the developer's time is the main factor here though. The question is: will enough users benefit from this feature? You'll need to provide a valid argument to support this.
For me personally, sorting by "Active" (as suggested by rene in the comments) is good enough for this purpose. If I'm interested in the most up-to-date answer, I want to see answers that were recently edited, (not just added) because they might contain updated information that is more useful and more up-to-date than a recently posted answer even if the edited answer was originally posted, say, 10 years ago.
the NodeList of answers). In addition, old questions like the branch prediction question has a well-known old answer that appears on top no matter the filter. Placing the new ones first is useless because the question was already answered.