I thought from this question that animated ads were not acceptable, but, at least on a question-specific page, I'm still seeing one from IBM and Red Hat -- the same one I mentioned in a comment on that question.
I caught it this time too...
Last time, it was headed to...
Again, I especially enjoy 300x250-Nonanimated-Standard%20Load-Developer
in the URL there. Nice. Just because it says nonanimated doesn't make it so.
It is distracting enough from the key goal of the site that I hope you can take it down.
More importantly, is there a better place to report this?
UPDATE: Still going on today, fwiw. 15 Jul 2019, 12:29pm Eastern. Question was this, link goes to...
is in the URL. But if it is, how can I report that the experiment greatly distracts from the primary use and value of the site?<blink>MY AD HERE!!1!!!</blink>
land. If you lose many of your greatest assets -- here, those who answer questions -- because the site is over- or even annoyingly-commercialized, well... That is, I don't know that<blink>
is the way to INSANE PROFIT. And animations are pretty<blink>