There are many interfaces to the OpenCV computer vision library. We have the generic opencv (50628 questions), as well as some version-specific tags, and then these:
cv2 × 801 (this is the Python interface)
opencv4android × 514 (for Android)
opencvsharp × 166 (for C#)
opencv-python × 155 (this is also the Python interface)
opencvdotnet × 49 (for .NET)
opencv4ios × 9 (for iOS)
opencv4nodejs × 6 (Node.js)
node-opencv × 5 (also Node.js)
As far as I know, none of these interfaces do anything special. They just make the OpenCV functions available on different platforms or from different languages.
Say I am using Python and OpenCV. I could tag with opencv-python, but I need to add python as well (at the least to get proper syntax highlighting). In this case, what does opencv-python (or cv2) add over opencv? It just makes it more difficult to find questions related to OpenCV.
So I suggest we get rid of all of these tags.
Note that there are, for example, 12,779 questions tagged opencv and python, vs 801 tagged cv2 and 155 tagged opencv-python. That is, these language-specific tags are used relatively infrequently.
These are the numbers of questions with each of these tags and no opencv:
cv2 × 430 (this is the Python interface)
opencv4android × 143
opencvsharp × 64
opencv-python × 64
opencvdotnet × 6
opencv4ios × 2 0
opencv4nodejs × 3 0
node-opencv × 0
As you can see, most people use both tags. The clear outlier here is cv2, for which half of the cases there is no opencv. In Python, one imports the OpenCV library by importing cv2
. cv2 should be aliased to opencv, as per this answer.
The other tags should all be burninated.
, theirImage
class still seems to be widely used. After browsing someemgucv
questions, one might get the impression, that EmguCV is perceived as some kind of stand-alone product, at least to a certain amount. So, I personally would keep the tag. Cross-taggingopencv
can still be done.Image
, then you might as well keep a lot of the language version tags, at least when it comes to python, matrix operations are done throughnumpy
instead of opencv, copying is done throughnumpy
, and IO doesn't quite work the same as in C++, opencv provides a different serialization API that looks similar but is undocumented and has some large differences.opencv-drawcontour
tag? I feel its not needed.opencv4android
still exist. (Andopencv-python
seems to have been added as a synonym ofopencv
, but not merged into it yet.) Is that correct? Are those the only tags where our help is still needed?