It should be allowed, security by obscurity only makes things worse
It is a well established principle that trying to secure a system by trying to hide how it works only makes things worse:
If the system is vulnerable to sock puppets, and those puppets are easy to bootstrap and conceal, then it has certainly already been breached by black hats without us knowing it.
Instead of trying to hide the fact that the system is flawed, we should instead improve the post / user rating with a better algorithm, e.g. PageRank-like. This would require sock puppets to vote between themselves to have any weight, and then it would be easier to find and take down entire sock puppet nets in one go.
Without transparency, in particular of the fraud detection algorithms, Stack Overflow reputation will never be truly trustworthy.
Since upvoter data is private, it is not possible for the public to develop such algorithms. Therefore, the only alternative for the public to explore the opaque system is by trying to create the puppets and see if they are caught. White hats will then reveal their actions eventually, while black hats won't.
White hats won't have the patience to set things up and provide a better algorithm as it stands.
It does not make any difference if such content is banned on Stack Overflow alone
Any highly ranked Google PageRank GitHub repository will be found by anyone trying to attack a website.
Black hats are highly specialized at finding sources with the newest exploits, and they certainly know how to Google.