The tag-excerpt of linkedin says:
A tool used for finding business/networking connections, such as for suggesting job candidates. Used for questions regarding LinkedIn's APIs. Do not ask questions about LinkedIn's terms of service, problems with registering for a service with them, or what APIs they will be offering in the future. They are not appropriate for asking on Stack Overflow, even if LinkedIn appeared to direct you here.
bold emphasis mine. Looking a bit further, I found linkedin-api with the very short excerpt:
Open web-services and APIs provided by LinkedIn
It looks like linkedin can only be used by questions having to do with its APIs, thus should we merge the two tags? And if so, which one should be kept?
Apparently LinkedIn is an OAuth provider as well, so besides the merge-question: should we create linkedin-oauth?
At the very least I'd say the tag wikis need to be rewritten; the excerpt of linkedin needs a mention of OAuth and the linkedin-api needs better user guidance.
At the time of this question:
- linkedin: 3,487 questions Updated (Open): 3,561
- linkedin-api: 828 questions Updated (Open): 951
- 572 questions with both tags Updated (Open): 664