I frequently find myself linking to a tag's info page for background. This is currently hard; you have to memorize or rediscover /tags/<tagname>/info
and compose a descriptive link text.
This is arguably an under-utilized resource at the moment, perhaps not only because it is hard to link to; but one way to get better exposure in the tags which already have amazing tag info pages would be to facilitate easy linking from answers and comments.
The quality of tag info pages (somewhat misleadingly aka "tag wikis") is variable; but many tags I participate in on Stack Overflow have excellent FAQ resources, background, and troubleshooting tips on that page.
When linking, I have found that I often want to include the fact that the link is to a local Stack Oveflow resource, not to an external page; so the template I am currently mentally applying and manually entering is
[the Stack Overflow <tagname> info page](/tags/<tagname>/info)
It would be fabulous if an editing shortcut like [info:<tagname>]
could be made available to produce (something like) this text, somewhat similarly to how [tag:<tagname>]
is available for linking to a tag's questions page. (The meta tag for this mechanism is apparently magic-links.)
not sufficient? Getting to the info page from the tag page is trivial. I would just usethe SO [tag:tagname] info page
in your example.