Context. It is currently possible to award a bounty to your own questions and questions of others. Bounties can be used to attract more attention to questions and are an extremely helpful tool in getting experts to look at questions, and solve them.
Problem. Some users do not have enough reputation to offer bounties. I do not have the extra bandwidth to participate in answering questions to raise my reputation, at least not to the level of devotion it seems to take to raise the score.
Proposed feature. I am in a position, and willing, to make a donation. Hence my proposal:
- Allow users to donate to Stack Overflow, or the Stack Exchange network in general.
- Award users donation points (similar to reputation, but a separate counter).
- Allow users to offer bounties using these donation points. The donation points cannot be used for other purposes and will not unlock privileges. They are fully separated from reputation.
Miscellaneous ideas. I toyed with the idea that the donation points would be visible and indicate whether I've donated. That has both good and bad consequences.