Could you make viewing vote counts (total upvotes and total downvotes) for every post on Meta viewable for every Stack Overflow member regardless of reputation, please? We all have no time to write an answer or a comment for every post we have opinion about. For example, I agree with some comment or answer, so I vote at the post and at that comment. And the author needs the statistics on such users' opinions for his/her post.
I think, that will make it easier for him/her to see what propositions attract more interest and what is the sign of that interest.
Practically, we are voting for every post on Meta. And what is the sense of voting if we can't see the true results? And that voting is much more important on Meta Stack Overflow than on Stack Overflow itself.
At a minimum, let the person who asks a question see these totals on their question and on all answers to their question. And for the author of an answer to see that for his/her own post.
+10-10 for a feature means that many people need that feature. And simultaneously, many people consider it inconvenient. So, the author needs to think how to make it not so inconvenient for these who are against it now. The post needs very careful edition. +0-0 means that nobody is interested in the feature. Or it is written in a language that nobody understands. The same about answers that propose changes for the feature.
If I want to comment or answer to a feature request that has +0-0, I very probably will decide not to waste my time on a message that won't be read anyway.
On the contrary, if a post has +10-10, then very probably, my message will be read and I won't waste my time invested into it.