Coming across a SO ad for a job like this I remembered that I have seen (especially from London or England in General) a lot of ads for jobs which I can only describe as unethical and extremely underpaid.
Shockingly, I googled the wage for programmers in London and found out that it is really quite low (given the high cost of living), but ads for a full-time position for 25k pounds (as the highest possible!) seem just wrong to me. I would actually expect the cleaning staff to get paid more than this.
Yes, I know this position is offered remotely, but still it seems like a low-balling offer. In the end, encouraging such ads only enables employers to offshore labour to low-cost regions and decreasing local wages.
Shouldn't we maybe restrict ads to the ones which offer at least a sensible minimum pay, e.g. maybe a junior salary for the local market for this position minus 20% as an absolute minimum. As far as I understand SO markets the Jobs especially as a high-value target and I think no one wants to waste their time with jobs with a ridiculous compensation, so this would also be a way to improve the ads.