Several of my flags aged aways these days.
I know we should re-flag questions when we think that's appropriate. So I went forward and restarted the tedious flagging process. As I never did that before (flags never get to the point of ageing away at CrossValidated, for example), I was surprised I couldn't actualy reflag (as in the option is greyed out). So I flagged the questions for moderation attention. Two got accepted, four rejected:
"declined - flags should only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their intervention"
Great. Insta-ban from flagging.
I now (edit: to clarify, I mean after being banned, I didn't know it beforehand and no one would know it presumably since it's not made clear to the user) know re-flagging is only allowed after 14 days: Re-flag aged away flags with the same flag reason.
As I made explicit I was only asking for moderation intervention because the system didn't allow me to reflag, I expected at least some orientation, and "disputed" instead of "declined" (Servy corrected me, through moderation intervention this would be impossible).
Now I'm totally not wasting my time with some of these flags as I know they will age away anyway, and I won't bother to look 14 days after the event, that is, ~1 month after I flagged them, to reflag them.
I think reflagging as a desirable behavior is well established on meta, so:
The questions for discussion are
- Could the moderation make it clearer reflagging should wait some time?
- Moderation intervention is out of the question here?