There is nothing inherently wrong with reusing your own Q&A content in Documentation.
Of course, Documentation needs to truly benefit from it. It has to be a perfect fit for where you intend to add it - a rule that applies to both content you write afresh, and content you have already written elsewhere.
Attribution of the original Q&A post is not required when re-publishing your own content because the content is yours, and you simply re-publish it.*
If you want to feel less like a cheapskate, take your original Q&A contribution as a basis, and start improving and editing it into a magnificent example of Documentation that will echo through the ages. (Or at least, through the next two years.)
There's always detail you can add, sentences that can be more focused, and so on.
* = I am not a lawyer. But I'm confident this is how it works. (If an actual lawyer with knowledge in U.S. copyright law could chime in, please do!) In this context, no one is going to care either way though.