I recently answered a question asking for explanation of part of an algorithm the asker had found somewhere. I then received a dozen comments requesting further clarification. It seems this user is avoiding having their questions closed by asking about a detail in the code, and then expanding the question in comments until it's basically "explain this whole algorithm to me".
They also seem to be using "I'm debugging this code" as a euphemism for "I found this code somewhere".
Should I answer questions like this? Downvote? Talk to the user about their help-vampirism? Flag for moderator intervention? Or just ignore and move on?
Look at the comment section of the answers in these examples:
- suffix tree implementation issue
- generating k prime numbers using Sieve of Eratosthenes
- use a single array to implement three stacks
- hash value for a line object (with Jon Skeet as the "victim")
- using 10 MB of memory for four billion integers (about finding the optimized block size)
Here's a fresh one if you want to follow all the latest action live: