Scenario: I upload a picture when I post an answer or a question on a Stack Exchange community.
Why does it look like
[![enter image description here][2]][2]
instead of
![enter image description here][2]
Is it a feature or a bug?
This is definitely a feature. The second link markup causes the image to be a link. Take this image I've used before, for example:
The markup used: [![Image from a different question, hyperlinked.][1]][1]
The above image uses the syntax you're questioning. Notice the underline below it. If you click this image, you will be taken to the image itself.
Without that syntax:
The markup used: ![Image from a different question, not hyperlinked.][1]
Note how there is no underline, and you will not be taken anywhere by clicking the image. This is the syntax you proposed as correct.
Both are correct, the former method just has some more functionality to it.