How to deal with people editing their answers to incorporate other answers? came up when searching for a duplicate for this, but that is about people cheating by editing their own answers, which is not the case here. Rather, the edit came from the querier and clearly with good intentions.
How to uninstall a plugin from Jenkins (Hudson)? was asked by Jim in Feb 2011, about how to work around the lack of a particular feature in a popular software package. It was answered soon afterwards by Mark, and as far as I know that was indeed the most appropriate answer at the time.
Much later, I came across this question somehow. The feature had just been implemented by a colleague of mine, so I answered the question in Nov 2012, noting the new feature and the version in which it had appeared. So far so good.
The next day, Jim (the querier) edited the older answer to incorporate the new information from my answer, giving me credit for it in the comment. Three out of five reviewers approved the edit, so it went through.
Now it is two years later; according to statistics I have seen, the overwhelming majority of users of the overwhelmingly more popular fork of the project are using a version which includes this feature, so the original workaround is of much less significance. Yet my answer has one upvote, while Mark’s has 57. (I felt obliged to add one of my own since this answer as currently written is the most complete.) I have no apparent access to a full history of the question so I can only speculate about how many of the upvotes came before vs. after the edit.
I am not going to go starving for the lack of reputation, of course, but is this situation appropriate in general, or were the two dissenting reviewers correct? This advice about plagiarism notes that attribution is required, which was given here, but does not mention voting as such.
. In this case: You can see on what days various events happened including how many votes were accumulated that day.