So I was looking at e.g. ChrisF's answer on why flags take so long to clear when I had a thought: if more motivation is desired, and if audits are classically one of the main annoyances in reviewing, perhaps tagging +1 rep to all successful audits would make high-rep users somewhat more eager to keep plugging along.
Of course, this still has the problem that audits are arguably not high enough quality yet to have rep stacked on top, but for that and the existing reasons, it might be possible to have a manual audit selection process, where highly-trusted reviewers (those that get audits at the minimum/zero rate?) can select whether a post should be used as an audit or not. This could be added to the current algorithm and audit posts limited to a given pool, with the result that bad audits would be filtered out fairly rapidly and good audits would remain, at least until they'd served their purpose. (Reusing an audit indefinitely is probably not desirable, so after a few dozen or no more than a hundred, an audit is likely played out.)
This is fairly similar to better review audits, better review ban tools, but manages the audit rejection case a bit better, I think. Still, there's probably a lot of subtleties I'm not fully aware of.