If all/most your answers are talking about your own site/project, this is considered self-promotion. Things to consider:
Answers with only a link are deemed low quality and are subject to community deletion.
If the question solution is exactly your plugin, then it's ok to explain why it solves the problem. Even if briefly, explain how it solves the problem. And state clearly "I'm the plugin author". Every other similar question that you find, you should flag as duplicate of the first one, don't repeat the same answer. Better yet, try to find the best question on the subject and post your answer there, remember that you'll be judged by a higher standard for using the site to talk about your product.
Provide quality answers showing your technical knowledge of the tags in question. Don't mention your plugin. The person who asked and future visitors will click in your profile link to know better.
And, there, in your profile, you can promote everything you want about your project. Links, images, even self-praise! Or if you like, use your profile to talk about geopolitics or write a Bukowski poem :)
This is what the Help Center says:
Avoid overt self-promotion.
The community tends to vote down overt self-promotion and flag it as spam. Post good, relevant answers, and if some (but not all) happen to be about your product or website, that’s okay. However, you must disclose your affiliation in your answers.
Regarding your edits and undeletion:
- I don't know if batch undeletions are possible. Maybe you'll have to flag one by one. Only a moderator or employee can tell.
- Make sure to check the guide How do I write a good answer?
- Now that you are trying to improve all your posts, I'd suggest to revise your edits once again based on this feedback.
BTW, the most simple way is using a mature admob plugin, just google "cordova admob", you will get one or two.
. . . {edit} Apart "mature plugin", at a first glance answers seem to have improved, kudos for that and for coming for support.https://github.com/floatinghotpot/cordova-admob-pro