I don't believe this is a good idea. I've seen a disturbing trend lately where I've come across many highly voted closed questions with useful answers that are being deleted by a list of the same users each time. There appear to be several people who are either coordinating their delete votes via chatrooms or are voting to delete everything that appears in the 10k delete votes tool page.
When I've had to undelete dozens of questions in response to flags about good content being removed, and I see the same names over and over again, I begin to get concerned. It hasn't yet gotten to the point where I need to start sending explicit warnings, but it's getting close to that.
The system already takes care of deleting almost all bad closed questions that need to be removed, and does so on a schedule that gives the user some chance to improve their closed questions. Deletion votes from higher-reputation users should only come on closed questions that are bad enough to warrant deletion, have no other redeeming value, and are being missed by the auto-deletion system. By design, deleting questions should be harder than closing, so making people have to take conscious action to vote to delete something seems right to me.
Adding yet another review queue for only deleting questions would seem to encourage a higher rate of question deletion, and I'm not in support of that. If you think 10k users won't abuse this queue in the way that other queues have been, I should point out that there are many 10k+ users who have been banned from review over 10 times each for approving spam, vandalism, or other harmful things. They'd continue to abuse review here, only with much more destructive consequences.