The bad reasons:
The good reason:
- People feel that their answer adds something beyond the other answer(s).
Is there good reason to dilute a question with [a very similar answer]?
It may be a slightly different phrasing or take on the problem, which some may find more helpful than the first answer.
Don't assume it won't be helpful to anyone just because the two look similar to you - the first could, for example, use bigger words and more complex sentences and thus be a lot more difficult for non-native English speakers to understand, while you barely notice the difference yourself.
If no-one would find the second answer more helpful than the first, then no, there isn't a good reason to do this.
Should I downvote the duplicated answers based on their time-stamp?
Personally, I'd only consider downvoting if: (and yes, all of the below are fairly subjective)
It's sufficiently likely that the new answerer only started writing their answer after the first answer was posted, and
It's sufficiently similar to the other answer that I feel it's just an attempt to score some reputation.
And, I might consider: (although I rarely downvote for this reason, perhaps incorrectly so)
- The other answer is better and I don't feel it adds any value beyond the other answer.
But you get to pick your own criteria for voting.