The language Processing is based very heavily off of Java. In fact, Processing is actually basically a combination of a library and an IDE that converts code snippets into applets. The syntax is exactly the same, except that code doesn't necessarily need to be in a class.
Most Processing questions are also tagged with java. Should they?
In my opinion, Processing questions that could be solved by a Java expert with no experience in Processing should be tagged with java as well as processing, but otherwise they should only be tagged with processing.
Example: Multiple keyboard responses/functions probably does not benefit from the java tag. Anyone who found that question because of the java tag but not because of the processing tag would most likely not be able to help. This question, however, doesn't even theoretically need the processing tag. Without that tag, it would look exactly like a Java question, could be answered by someone who doesn't know Processing, and the questioner could use that answer to solve his question.