Your question is unclear in explaining what you want to have described.
You linked to the documentation. That has this paragraph (I assume it shows better in LaTeX, and I've made slight changes to remove the escape characters that were not needed based on my assessment. To be safe, always refer to the source):
ignores non-finite values in x.
Let d <- max(x) - min(x) (> 0). If d is not (very close) to 0, we let c <- d/n, otherwise more or less c <- max(abs(range(x)))*shrink.sml / min.n. Then, the 10 base b is (10^{\lfloor{\log_{10}(c)}\rfloor}) such that (b < c < 10b).
Now determine the basic unit (u) as one of ({1,2,5,10} b), depending on (c/b in [1,10)) and the two ‘bias’ coefficients, (h =)high.u.bias
and (f =)u5.bias
That reads to me as how the algorithm is implemented.
I can imagine you asked the question because you had a range of values that when send into pretty() didn't give a result you expected. If that is the case maybe include it. If you have another use case where you feel an implementation detail is relevant to solve a specific problem, include some context so those that can answer don't have to go over each an every statement / expression and explains its workings to make sure you'll grasp its significance.
As for all the pleasantries in your question, I'll return the favor.