If the answer consists of nothing more than a spam link and appears to be a blatant attempt to spam the site, then flag the entire answer for moderator intervention. If the problems are obvious, then just use the provided "spam" flag option. Otherwise, you can use the "in need of moderator intervention" option, which allows you to type a more detailed explanation to the moderator who will review your flag.
However, if the answer contains any content of value aside from the spam link, then you should not flag it as spam. You should instead act to fix the specific problem, without losing any valuable portions of the answer.
In this case, the answer was posted by an established user as part of an otherwise valid answer, and looking at it on the Wayback Machine you can see that it was a legitimate link at the time it was posted, so you can simply edit it (or suggest an edit, if you don't have enough reputation) to replace the link with the archived version. I've already done so in this case.
This type of salvage/cleanup work does not require moderator intervention, and thus should not be flagged for moderator attention.
In the case of a flag or suggested edit (or simply being in too big of a hurry), you may also want to leave a comment warning people not to click the link until your flag/edit is processed.