When I include only Swift
& objective-c
When I include Swift
, objective-c
Some technologies have a negative effect on the salary.
As Julia said on the blogpost:
Just like last year, some technologies like PHP are associated with lower salaries for developers, and some technologies like JavaScript are used so broadly that they do not affect salary up or down.
CSS is a technology that, as PHP, is associated with lower salaries and that's what's causing the second result to be lower than the first one.
It's the law of averages. The system doesn't know your skill level.
If you are only a Swift developer, you are being grouped with Swift developers.
If you add HTML/CSS, you are now also being averaged in with Swift developers who know HTML/CSS (higher than Swift only) and Front End Developers who know Swift (lower than Swift only). The later is bringing down the average salary.
If the system knew enough about you (and other candidates) to be able to differentiate the above two cases, you would see an increase.