Recently I noticed, that there is a way to edit a question even if another edit is pending and still waiting to be reviewed. Is this a bug or intended?
As an example:
I have a question like this:
And now I want to edit it, but there is already an edit pending:
With the 'normal' way to click on the edit button I can't edit it, other than review it.
But now I found out if you change the URL from:
to this:
//^^^^^ Changed ^^^^
I'm getting into the edit of the question without reviewing the pending edit! In addition to that, the pending edit is in the edit I'm in with the URL included plus the edit summary is already filled in with the edit summary of the pending edit.
Now I can improve the edit more OR just leave it and post this edit.
Now this alone doesn't let me 100% think that this is a bug. But I also found out that this doesn't work for Tag edit's. Now I think this is a bug and should be the same like with the Tag edit's?
Because if you press the button Propose Tag Wiki
, the URL change to this:
Now you can go though every tag with de/increasing the value at the end of the URL. But if you hit a tag which has a pending edit you can't 'overwrite' the pending edit like with a question shown above. Instead you get a Page Not Found
like this:
The 'trick' with editing a question that way works also for answers, but there you just have to get the ID by clicking on share and then you see the first number is the ID and you can change the URL the same way as I have shown it with the question.
Is this a bug or intended? Should it be like with the tag edits, that you get a "Page Not Found"?
when there is a suggested edit pending, it tells me what the pending edit is, but will not let me do anything because I have already hit my limit, but if I use the URL trick in the Q, it bypasses that and goes straight to editor.What does the "Improve" button do?
There it says that the original editor would get +2 if it was helpful, but with this trick you overwrite it and the OE doesn't gets any pointsThere is a pending suggested edit in the queue. Try again in a few minutes.