SO have assigned privileges to users based on their reputation. A higher rep allows you to do more. From very basic privileges like voting to single-handed dupe-close.
The new Collectives projectnew Collectives project changes this. Now zero-rep users can get access to a feature that even high rep user can't get, i.e. "Recommended answer". Further, zero-rep users can be assigned a special role as "Recognized user" - again something high rep users can't get solely by their reputation.
Personally I feel very bad about this. The "earn your privileges" model seems great to me. Earning high rep requires a lot of effort and time. During that period you learn "How-to SO". Therefore it's pretty safe to give "powers" to high rep users.
But giving privileges to users (that may be) without any SO experience makes me worried.
I'm also concerned about the effect of "Recommended answer" and "Recognized user". I fear it will give a voting-bias by attracting readers to those/their answers and consequently impact the voting system as we know it.
The above represents my current view (i.e. I don't like it). I'd like to start a meta-SO-discussion about this to learn how other SO users feel about "Recommend answer" and "Recognized user" introduced as part of Collectives. Is that what we want?