I edited tags with the "Edit tags" link (not in edit mode) for this question by adding the forms
and it redirected me to another page with just the following showing as code:
{"success":true,"html":"<a href=\"/questions/tagged/php\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'php'\" rel=\"tag\">php</a><a href=\"/questions/tagged/html\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'html'\" rel=\"tag\">html</a><a href=\"/questions/tagged/mysql\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'mysql'\" rel=\"tag\">mysql</a><a href=\"/questions/tagged/forms\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'forms'\" rel=\"tag\">forms</a>"}
Here is the revisions link:
This is the 2nd time this happened forto me this morning by adding the sessions
tag. Another one earlier showed the following, but I didn't retain the question's URL.
{"success":true,"html":"<a href=\"/questions/tagged/php\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'php'\" rel=\"tag\">php</a><a href=\"/questions/tagged/session\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'session'\" rel=\"tag\">session</a>"}
Is this a network problem or is it just me?
I'm using Opera as my browser if that is relevant.