This is closely related to Should duplicate finding give reputation?. However, it is missing an important use case. The use case is, a user moves against a question and proposes a duplicate. Then a gold badge closes the question as a duplicate of the proposed.
The gold badge holder should provide the necessary cross-checks to avoid some of the related problems, like incorrectly closing as a dup. A gold badge seems like he/she should contain some of the mob effect due to their subject matter expertise.
In this use case, finding a duplicate is the same as providing a correct answer. The person who finds the dup is rewarded instead of the fastest gun in the west.
It might also slow down the flood of experienced users answering questions that should be closed as dups. Instead of long time users promulgating bad practices, the experienced users might start leading by example.
Here is an example of one: Shell scripting not giving actual response. @CharlesDuffy provided the subject matter expertise and performed the close after @MarcinOrlowski performed the research.