Floern here, with! With my answers to your questions:
I've been raising dozens of flags daily during the last 2 years, and I'm still looking at dozens of posts per dayI'm still looking at dozens of posts per day to check whether they might need moderator attention. But the moderation tasks are not that one-sided anyway, they are diverse enough to switch to a completely different task when I'm worn out doing one.
Delete? No. Removing content others have put much effort in is not something we should do. They shouldn't have posted it in the first place if it might cause trouble. As per the ToSToS SE doesn't have to delete the user's content since they granted SE the right to publish their content. But, the asker may request his question to be disassociatedto be disassociated from their account. Also, if possible, the question might be edited in such a way that it doesn't change its meaning but is different enough (from their homework) not to cause any trouble.
I don't really have such posts, since I primarily write support answers and bug reports. But I'd like to get corrected if I'm getting something wrong.
Assuming the comments regularly scratch at the Be Nice policyBe Nice policy I might have to take further action. You cannot compensate bad behavior with good content. First I'd send a message telling them we don't tolerate their behavior and they should refrain from leaving such comments. If that does not help, I have to take more drastic measures, up until a suspension. While a suspension would cause the loss of an otherwise good contributor, they're not above our policies.