From reading in the help center, it said this was the place to make feature requests. This is not a question, just a feature request.
I've started to look into using the documentation section to try to learn about new technologies. I started with C# and found there were 100+ topics to look through. There was one "Getting Started" section demonstrating a "Hello World". So I went through that but was left stranded after that. All of the topics are uncategorized. There was no way to tell what I should learn about next.
A solution would be to tag a few topics with something like, "Getting Started". I don't mean "tag" in the way Stack Overflow Documentation is using the word, I mean it as a meta tag to group topics by. The implementation of this would be a list of topic groups on the dashboard showing different groups of topics to learn about.
For example in the AngularJS (something I'm more familiar with) Section, a few topics that would be meta tagged with "Getting Started" would be: Controllers, Form Validation, Custom Directives, etc. Another group could be around "testing" to include testing related topics. Another around databinding.