As we have all heard repeated, reputation represents a basic level of trust. From the MSE faq about reputationMSE faq about reputation:
Reputation is a rough measurement of how much the community trusts you; it is earned by convincing your peers that you know what you’re talking about.
Proposal: reputation earned from Documentation should be distinct from reputation earned on Stack Overflow, at least for the purposes of unlocking certain moderation privileges.
While there are some similarities between the two sites, they are very different in their expectations and execution. For example, documentation has a much different take on "broadness" than Stack Overflow. It doesn't make sense to me for users who mainly contribute to broadly scoped documentation requests to also judge a similar (too broad) request on Stack Overflow.
Additionally, it is much easier to earn reputation without domain knowledge on Documentation via editing. I do admit that writing Documentation to be as clear as possible requires a lot of editing/revising, so giving reputation for such tasks makes sense. Those contributions help make Documentation better, but they have nothing to do with how Stack Overflow actually moderates posts.
I'd be fine with showing reputation earned via Documentation in the user card, similar to how SE-network flair combines reputation from all sites with at least 200 reputation. I'd also support reputation earned from Documentation to help unlock the Edit Everywhere privilege, since Documentation contributions prove editing skills at least as well as normal Stack Overflow reputation.
But I don't like the idea of an editor without very limited interactions on the main site voting on which posts should be open or closed or even reviewing the quality of posts via triage or close votes. SE already enforces this in protected questions. Users cannot answer protected questions until they have earned 10 reputation on that site from actual site activities (the network association bonus does not count).