What does Stack Overflow do to prevent people farming reputation, such as creating multiple accounts, having them all ask questions, having them all selecting them as best answer, up voting his answers, repeat?
How easy is it to "farm" reputation
What does Stack Overflow do to prevent people farming reputation, such as creating multiple accounts, having them all ask questions, having them all selecting them as best answer, up voting his answers, repeat?
How easy is it to "farm" reputation?
What does Stack Overflow do to prevent people farming reputation, such as creating multiple accounts, having them all ask questions, having them all selecting them as best answer, up voting his answers, repeat?
What does StackOverflowStack Overflow do to prevent people farming reputation, such as creating multiple accounts, having them all ask questions, having them all selecting them as best answer, up voting his answers, repeat.?
What does StackOverflow do to prevent people farming reputation, such as creating multiple accounts, having them all ask questions, having them all selecting them as best answer, up voting his answers, repeat.
What does Stack Overflow do to prevent people farming reputation, such as creating multiple accounts, having them all ask questions, having them all selecting them as best answer, up voting his answers, repeat?