We’ve been there, we’ve done that. I know.
But I have to air a feeling of powerlessness against certain disruptive users, and I think that Stack Overflow should have a better mechanism of mitigating this.
Case in point: the (quickly deleted) question Why doesdo two tasks created after each other generate the same random value? For anyone familiar with the subject matter, the solution is fairly obvious. For people unrelated with it … not so much.
Consequently, after that question was closed as a duplicate, the OP added the following amendment to the (well-asked and reproducible) question:
I don't understand how this is related to "Random String Generator Returning Same String".
He was creating the random instance in the method. I am calling it in completely different Tasks so they should be independent of each other.
This plea for help, however, was completely ignored, and the question deleted – after garnering five downvotes.1 Congratulations. Another unhappy customer.
I thought, once upon a time, that downvotes were reserved for bad questions, and deletions for disruptive content. Neither is obviously the case here, and the comments are a masterpiece of condescension.
I have of course flagged both the question and the comments. However, currently, Stack Overflow does not offer me any tools to follow up on the flags, or to argue my case, should they be rejected. And I feel that this gives undue power to bullies, because by default, Stack Overflow sides with them, rather with the mediating party (= the flagger).
1 Downvotes have their place, of course. But if a reasonably well-asked question garners this amount of downvotes in a short time, with an explanation whichthat the OP does not understand, then this feels like abuse.