Today I was checking my flagging history and found out one of my VLQ flags was declined by a moderator. Apparently the answer was not VLQ, and it was my lack of subject knowledge combined with a poorly formatted answer. In hindsight I ofcourse should have skipped.
Anyway the flag was cast, and it was rejected. Assumably correct.
However this is the first time I noticed that a moderator declined my VLQ flag. Thinking of all the different flags that are out there VLQ doesn't immediatly come to mind when thinking of important flags that moderators should care about. I went to the answer in question and saw that a moderator edited the question, to give it propper formatting and spelling. It now does indeed look like a reasonable answer.
So did this edit from a moderator automatically decline my VLQ flag, or did a moderator happen to stroll past tye VLQ queue?
I read: VLQ flag rejected by "moderator" - have I missed something? What happened? but didn't find a real answer there.