Sometimes it's not really appropriate to close a question using my dupe hammer, but I just want to make a proposal as it would have been done by a regular user choosing the flag menu.
When I'm choosing the flag menu, this is what's actually presented to me:
If I choose any of these, the question is immediately closed. It goes the same way as if I had chosen the close vote option
I'd like to have an option, to just use my dupe hammer, or make a proposal (the latter might be implemented via using flags).
There are (edge) cases, where I'm still unsure if the dupe actually matches the question, but if I'm going to add the dupe proposal manually, it doesn't carry any weight (close vote or flagging point), or push that question to a review queue. Also I'd like to see some backup from peers to confirm that the question matches the duplicate answers.
So my request is:
Let dupe hammer holders decide to
- either propose a duplicate
- or actually mark (and close) a question as being one
The decision could be made by distinguishing the choice of the close or flagging path.
This older MSE post is apparently related here.
You should notice that I'm not asking about the judgement or semantical level, but just for a technical feature that gives me the choice which path the question should go in review.