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Patrick Hofman's user avatar
Patrick Hofman's user avatar
Patrick Hofman
  • Member for 12 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
5 votes

How Did Stack Overflow Help You?

6 votes

Why do upvotes and downvotes have different weights with respect to reputation changes?

19 votes

What is the etiquette on "calling out" individual users?

51 votes

What happened to the Stack Overflow app for Android?

5 votes

Make closing as duplicate easier on mobile web

3 votes

Can questions be moved from one site to another?

37 votes

What community actions is the "Welcoming" blog post advocating?

8 votes

Why can't we cancel our own upvote/downvote on Q/A?

3 votes

Help with question - 6 downvotes, no comments

83 votes

What’s Happening With Channels?

2 votes

LQP - Delete reason for link-only to Stack Overflow answers

4 votes

A fully featured Android/iOS app

10 votes

How do you strike a balance between flagging "low quality answer" and having your flags rejected?

3 votes

What happens to reputation gain?

8 votes

Dealing with a good faith, but inaccurate reviewer of edits

5 votes

Why are old questions not closed?

1 vote

What's the best way to provide help for multiple questions?

9 votes

One account per IP address

19 votes

Deleting a post should not interrupt my reading

53 votes

What happened to my invites in Stack Overflow Careers?

44 votes

Why are there so many non-programming questions on Stack Overflow?

168 votes

Should one advise on off-topic questions?

7 votes

How do I migrate a post with open bounty from SO to Android Enthusiasts?

16 votes

Are questions asking for documentation off-topic?

41 votes

What if I think a deleted answer is worthwhile?

12 votes

I have had the urge to ask this question on SO for years but I am afraid that it will get my account blocked

8 votes

Editing When You were not signed in

14 votes

Questions of production readiness of software libraries

7 votes

Is a link to jsfiddle with an explanation a valid answer

10 votes

Your question may be better elsewhere prompt before asking question