Member for 15 years, 4 months
Last seen more than 5 years ago
Canterbury, United Kingdom
I am a software developer and IT professional. I have at times been self-employed as a freelancer. Right now I develop software to support the production of marine emergency rescue beacons.
As a freelance software developer I specialized in producing firmware and Windows software to control astronomical instruments and devices and I have worked with a number of well-known brands that sell equipment to amateur astronomers. Some of the brands I have worked with to produce shipping commercial products include NexDome, Optec, Gemini Telescope Design, AWR Technology, Technical Innovations. I have also produced one-off solutions for several private individuals and institutions. I am extremely proud of the fact that my software now drives the Great Equatorial Telescope at Flamsteed House, The Royal Observatories, Greenwich, UK - one of the world's largest and most famous refracting telescopes first commissioned in 1893.
I am a member of the steering group for The ASCOM Initiative which produces standards and interoperability software used by almost all software available to amateur astronomers, and lately some universities and government departments. This work is purely voluntary but highly rewarding, because the impact of ASCOM on amateur astronomy cannot be overestimated. ASCOM was historically Windows-only but is currently undergoing a transformation to a network-centric cross-platform technology.
With my IT hat on, I have support several organizations with servers, cloud services and CCTV security systems. I was active mainly with arts companies such as Music Theatre Wales and conservation charities such as Thanet Countryside Trust and Pwll Du Cave Management Group, where I am a trustee. These days I have reduced my focus on IT support and consultancy to return to my first love of software development.
I was awarded Microsoft MVP ('Most Valuable Professional') for Windows Small Business Server in 2007, 2008 and 2009.
I prefer to develop in C# and try to be an early adopter of the latest tools and techniques, where it makes sense.
Twitter @Tim_Long
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