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gnat's user avatar
gnat's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
15 votes

We will launch the 1-rep voting experiment on Stack Overflow for 4–6 weeks, along with account creation prompts

3 votes

Are suggested edits and reviews not (no longer?) important features of Stack Overflow?

5 votes

Are suggested edits and reviews not (no longer?) important features of Stack Overflow?

1 vote

Rework review queues icon to fuzzy indicate low, medium, high demand - battery indicator style

4 votes

Is it still worth penalizing Stack Overflow that hard in hot network questions?

0 votes

Question deleted in 15 minutes, was it appropriate?

49 votes

Stricter trust model in the face of bot flood?

5 votes

Re-examine the -100 rep penalty for red flags

21 votes

How was a new user under 10 reputation able to post an inline image?

22 votes

Roomba hasn't run for the past two weeks and over 2800 questions evaded it

7 votes

Question Close Reasons project - Introduction and Feedback

14 votes

Why is there such a large quantity of beginner Python questions that concern Pandas?

4 votes

Provide an option to filter the triage queue by tags

23 votes

How can I accept an answer and which one should I choose?

18 votes

Rule proposal: one delete/undelete per post

60 votes

Why does downvoting an answer cost reputation while questions not?

14 votes

To close, or not to close, that is the homework question

58 votes

We need to improve the chances of reopening closed questions

66 votes

Is a mod unilaterally reviewing/closing 1500 questions in a single day okay, or too much?

34 votes

Are "how would I get started?" questions too broad?

5 votes

We need more nominations for "Featured on Meta"

12 votes

Is this a new form of homework abuse / help-vampirism?

18 votes

Why does SO not add more sites to "This question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network"? - Close reasons

6 votes

Why are questions starting with 1 view?

40 votes

Feature test: Thank you reaction

40 votes

How can I know if I'm banned from answering without trying to answer?

4 votes

Technical site integration observational experiment live on Stack Overflow

33 votes

Do we reward good downvoters?

19 votes

How does the LQPRQ work?

7 votes

Why was this community nominated for a "Webby" award, and why am I compelled to care?

2 3 4 5