Member for 13 years, 7 months
Last seen more than 1 year ago
Cardiff, UK
Currently, I am working as a Senior Research & Development Engineer at IS-Wireless, Poland where I am working in the domain of network management and orchestration in softwarized 5G networks where I am applying machine learning approaches for information-centric network management. I have also worked as a post doctoral researcher at University of Cagliari, Italy in the domain of Quality of Experience (QoE) based multimedia communication management and monitoring using Software-Defined Networks (SDN). Moreover, I have been working as a Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (most prestigious research fellowship in Europe) for three years in a Marie Curie Horizon 2020 ITN called QoE-Net (http://www.qoenet-itn.eu/). My doctoral studies consist of research in the domain of network monitoring and management using SDN for multimedia services. Also, I have recently developed an SDN platform for the QoE-aware traffic management of video streaming services. Furthermore, I have ten high impact factor publications in my credentials. Additionally, two of my research papers have been awarded best paper awards at IFIP/IEEE IM 2017 conference and IEEE Multimedia Technical Committee.
× 6Mar 28, 2023
AutobiographerSep 9, 2016
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