Offer the option to send custom feedback on ads
@Pekka웃 how do you contact the team manually? If you can post that as an answer, I think that solves it for me.
Offer the option to send custom feedback on ads
You can do that by offering the ability to add custom text to verified users; and filtering our spam is a problem that has already been solved.
Introducing: Channels - Q&A For Engineering Teams
+1 To what @Shog9 said. This will quickly end up being a paperdump for all things pdf / excel / powerpoint and lose the Q&A part if not done very, very well. Suffering from this exact same problem on an internal platform we use.
Can we burninate [microsoft-certifications]?
@Hack-R you can back IT Certifications over at Area 51.
Can you change the jobs advert to include more contextual information on the location, such as postcode?
Here, postcodes have no relevance what so ever. You could put any random digits as the post code; this is because mail delivery is done primarily by courier, mailboxes (which are still only available at the central post office) ran out over 40 years ago, and mail here is notoriously unreliable. So yeah, hardly a universal solution.
Do we really get that many questions regarding typesetting, that tex is a target for migration?
I understand that some questions may not be formulated the right way, but if a question is clearly suited for a different site, even if it is not worded correctly I think higher rep users should be given the option to migrate it (it can then be voted on by other higher-rep users). In the hope of giving the question the maximum chance to be answered (and corrected) by the appropriate community.
Can we prevent the use of ALL CAPS in job adverts?
Hey @Des - can you also please have a look at the ads from this company as they have used ALL CAPS on their job title, which is highly annoying when displayed in the jobs advertising rectangle.
Stack Overflow Universal Windows App please!
I am sure if you dropped a line to Microsoft they would happily donate you a device (or two) for testing things.
When mailing a job to a friend, the body of the message contains HTML entities
I am not sure if this is something they typed or a result of some copy-paste cleanup.
Topic suggestions: What else should we ask developers?
It is usually called COB Close Of Business rather than the ominous sounding EOD.