Member for 13 years, 4 months
Last seen more than a month ago
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Software engineer for about 14 years mainly focused on OO languages such as C#, C++, PHP, Java. Since 2017 interested on distributed systems, machine learning and big data overall. Currently eager to learn more over Spark, Scala, Python, Kafka and ElasticSearch.
*** Top 10 - Favorite answers ***
Does pyspark changes order of instructions for optimization?
Spark copying dataframe columns best practice in Python/PySpark?
databricks partitioning w/ relation to predicate pushdown
Regex match with dataframe column values
Scala Spark: Flatten Array of Key/Value structs
Custom sorting based on the content of an external array with Scala/Java API
Apache Spark: Get the first and last row of each partition
Get column of list of ratings with 0's in place for missing ratings in Pyspark
Pyspark - Looping through structType and ArrayType to do typecasting in the structfield