I spend most of my free time answering questions on Stackoverflow and learning all the cool stuff thats out there.
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If you have any suggestions on what you would want me to write about, do DM me on twitter
Some of my most useful answers:
useState set method not reflecting change immediately
ReactRouter v4 Prompt - override default alert
Detect Route Change with react-router
How to update the Context value in a Provider from the Consumer?
Does new React Context API trigger re-renders?
When to use functional setState
Access React Context outside of render function
Performing Authentication on Routes with react-router-v4
Handling async request with React, Redux and Axios?
Unable to catch and log the Error response from an axios request
How to pass params with history.push/Link/Redirect in react-router v4?
× 8Feb 15
CriticJan 20, 2018
SupporterDec 20, 2016
AutobiographerApr 21, 2016
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