How frequently do new users self-delete their own accounts?
I think new users should be allowed to delete their account only if there is no upvoted or accepted answer.
When serial downvoting on answers is reversed, does the perpetrator get that rep back?
Understood Martijn. was curious, cause those downvote was meaningless
When serial downvoting on answers is reversed, does the perpetrator get that rep back?
Martijn, does this reversal have any count (count of question being downvoted/upvoted) check? Asking cause, recently two of my old answer got serial downvoted but I don't see they are reversed till date.
When serial downvoting on answers is reversed, does the perpetrator get that rep back?
@Will, NO, if the same user is continuously doing serial up/down vote; most probably he/she will get bann (OR) removed from the site.
Add 'this is my first post' (and several other phrases) to the question content filter
Not sure, what is the reason to make it such a
? Let it be there. It's not rude/offensive. So what gives.
Stack Exchange very slow
Ahh!!! Thanks. I was thinking, am the only person hitting this entire day.
Anything that should be done about a user "gutting" questions?
Appreciate Hot Licks, for bringing up this incident.
Anything that should be done about a user "gutting" questions?
I don't mind the user account got deleted; it's better not to have this type of person over SO community but the post looks pretty valid and even the answer is been offered bounty. So, the post must be re-activated.
Anything that should be done about a user "gutting" questions?
Looks like the user is completely uprooted/deleted now. Also, the post is deleted by community. shouldn't you be undelete the post.
Helping users with reputation 1 and automatically assigned names?
@matsjoyce, that's not correct. Upvoting privilege comes with 15 reputation.
Helping users with reputation 1 and automatically assigned names?
That's a absolute correct point from my experience in SO.
Lots of duplicate answers on a question
Why should they be deleted? If you look at the answer's, all of them have +ve response from community (I mean +1) even if they are duplicates.
Accepted answer code causes a compile time error
That's how accepting an answer works. Unless you tried the answer provided and it works per your expectation, don't accept the answer. Even if you have accepted earlier (before trying the solution), revoke the acceptance and ask for clarification from answer owner by means of comment.
Was my answer deleted for the solution being too simple?
That's a nice way of saying that
You will die eventually after few days but for now live peacefully
:) ... LOL (Disclaimer: with you
I don't point to anyone specific but rather set of all human beings)
The phantom "hi whatsup?"
Chris, is it possible that in future; after a major SO release happens, create a meta post stating a list of changes went in that release. That way people will be aware of the new changes they should see.
Why is the "this question might exist" search better than the normal search?
May be two different stored procedure running a bit different search logic against DB.
comment looks exactly the same as Stack Overflow, what is the link between them?
Man!! that's a nice investigation Eh!!
comment looks exactly the same as Stack Overflow, what is the link between them?
No it's not. From yesterday night I tried almost 10 times and can't access. I think that site is not accessible from India.
comment looks exactly the same as Stack Overflow, what is the link between them?
LOL .. then they have put enough effort to do this sort of smuggling :). BTW, the site is total down now.
comment looks exactly the same as Stack Overflow, what is the link between them?
I still don't understand something ... how do they exact copy the entire site. is it kind a saved/cached pages? bit confused.