Michael Berkowski's user avatar
Michael Berkowski's user avatar
Michael Berkowski's user avatar
Michael Berkowski
  • Member for 13 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
21 votes

Can we have a warning pop-up for code-only answers?

1 vote

If a user adds a comment to their own post, should it be added to the post itself?

86 votes

Should I approve edits that simply appear to update a hyperlink?

1 vote

Should I answer to mongoose questions when they are actually about mongodb?

39 votes

What to do when an OP adds comments to their previous Q&A asking for help on their new question?

5 votes

Find questions I voted to close

8 votes

Are the unread count visual styles appropriate?

2 votes

htaccess questions tagged as PHP

14 votes

Why does StackOverflow not support inline #hashtags for question tagging?

5 votes

Is it appropriate to delete answers with many down votes

4 votes

For the "Database Related" tags, could we FORMALLY request that DDL for all objects referred to by the question, be provided?

8 votes

Is answering a dupe acceptable as to not "scare away" new users?

2 votes

Discovering Stack Overflow meta

26 votes

Should I add "NO ANSWER YET" to title?

66 votes

How to find my UserID in Stack Overflow

50 votes

Did Stack Overflow give us a Christmas bonus?

64 votes

How long after a question is posted is it acceptable to reply?

100 votes

What makes a spectacular answer?

50 votes

How do I ask a question regarding a heisenbug?

3 votes

Earned Reputation Points Rollback for the below scenario

12 votes

"I'm being tested!"

80 votes

Suggest a Question for the 2015 Stack Overflow User Survey

30 votes

Suggest a Question for the 2015 Stack Overflow User Survey

10 votes

Put a points premium on unanswered questions?

18 votes

Why answering in comments is trending?

24 votes

Is "this is not possible" an acceptable answer?

75 votes

How to answer a homework question, when the entire example is bad syntax?